The Gilroy Font Family, created by Radomir Tinkov, exemplifies modern typographic artistry with its sleek sans serif and geometrically nuanced design. Building on the legacy of the Qanelas Font family, Gilroy sets itself apart with an extensive range of 20 weights, available in both upright and italic styles.
Tinkov offers a taste of this typographic gem for free, providing the Light and Extra Bold weights at no cost. This allows typography enthusiasts to explore and experiment with these two styles before committing to the full collection.
Gilroy is equipped with robust open type features, supporting an extensive array of languages, including Cyrillic. It also includes a variety of functional elements such as tabular figures, fractions, ligatures, and arrows. This versatility makes Gilroy an excellent choice for diverse design applications, from graphic and editorial design to corporate signage and websites.
For those who enjoy the free version, which includes Gilroy Extra Bold and Gilroy Light for personal use, there is an invitation to explore the complete font family for commercial purposes. Tinkov has made the entire collection available for purchase, ensuring that professionals can fully leverage Gilroy’s potential by visiting his online store.